If you’re interested in joining the CWL community, we recommend checking out the following resources and forums:

CWL Online Community Meetings §

Agenda and notes §


When §

EMEA-Americas: was weekly every Monday at 15:00 UTC from March-November and 16:00 UTC from November-March (EMEA meetings are on hold until we get volunteers to run the meeting)

APAC: monthly every first Friday of every month at 00:00 UTC April-September and 01:00 UTC October-March (06:00 Pakistan, 06:30 India, 07:00 Bangladesh, 08:00 Thailand / Indonesia, 09:00 China, 10:00 Japan / Korea, 12:00 Melbourne, 14:00 Auckland)

Where §

CWL Voice/Video chats use the “CWL Conference” room in the CWL Matrix Space.

If you haven’t used Matrix before then follow these instructions:

  1. Go to https://matrix.to/#/#cwl:matrix.org
  2. Choose the “Element” App if you don’t have a Matrix client already.

    screenshot of Matrix app chooser dialog.

  3. You can download the native Element app for your operating system if you want, but choosing to “Continue in your browser” is fine.

    screenshot of 'Continue in your Browser' button

  4. From the Element native app, or browser session choose “Join” screenshot of 'Join' button
  5. And then choose “Create Account” screenshot of 'Create Account' button using your own Google, GitHub, or GitLab, account.

    screenshot of third party login chooser dialog

  6. Now that you’re signed in, join the “CWL Conference” room.

    screenshot of 'CWL Conference' under 'Suggested Rooms' in the CWL Matrix Space.

Code of Conduct §

The CWL Project is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. This code of conduct applies to all CWL Project spaces, including the Google Group, the Matrix chat room, the Google Hangouts chats, both online and off. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the leadership team.

For more details, see our Code of Conduct.