# Inputs ## Essential Input Parameters The `inputs` of a tool is a list of input parameters that control how to run the tool. Each parameter has an `id` for the name of parameter, and `type` describing what types of values are valid for that parameter. Available primitive types are *string*, *boolean*, *int*, *long*, *float*, *double*, and *null*; complex types are *array* and *record*; in addition there are special types *File*, *Directory* and *Any*. The following example demonstrates some input parameters with different types and appearing on the command line in different ways. First, create a file called `inp.cwl`, containing the following: ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/inp.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`inp.cwl`" :name: inp.cwl ``` Create a file called `inp-job.yml`: ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/inp-job.yml :language: yaml :caption: "`inp-job.yml`" :name: inp-job.yml ``` ````{note} You can use `cwltool` to create a template input object. That saves you from having to type all the input parameters in an input object file: ```{runcmd} cwltool --make-template inp.cwl :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/inputs ``` You can redirect the output to a file, i.e. `cwltool --make-template inp.cwl > inp-job.yml`, and then modify the default values with your desired input values. ```` Notice that "example_file", as a `File` type, must be provided as an object with the fields `class: File` and `path`. Next, create a whale.txt using [touch] by typing `touch whale.txt` on the command line. ```{code-block} console $ touch whale.txt ``` Now invoke `cwltool` with the tool description and the input object on the command line, using the command `cwltool inp.cwl inp-job.yml`. The following boxed text describes these two commands and the expected output from the command line: ```{runcmd} cwltool inp.cwl inp-job.yml :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/inputs ``` ```{tip}

Where did those `/tmp` paths come from?

The CWL reference runner (cwltool) and other runners create temporary directories with symbolic ("soft") links to your input files to ensure that the tools aren't accidentally accessing files that were not explicitly specified ``` The field [`inputBinding`](https://w3id.org/cwl/CommandLineTool.html#Input_binding) is optional and indicates whether and how the input parameter should appear on the tool's command line. If `inputBinding` is missing, the parameter does not appear on the command line. Let's look at each example in detail. ```cwl example_flag: type: boolean inputBinding: position: 1 prefix: -f ``` Boolean types are treated as a flag. If the input parameter "example_flag" is "true", then `prefix` will be added to the command line. If false, no flag is added. ```cwl example_string: type: string inputBinding: position: 3 prefix: --example-string ``` String types appear on the command line as literal values. The `prefix` is optional, if provided, it appears as a separate argument on the command line before the parameter . In the example above, this is rendered as `--example-string hello`. ```cwl example_int: type: int inputBinding: position: 2 prefix: -i separate: false ``` Integer (and floating point) types appear on the command line with decimal text representation. When the option `separate` is false (the default value is true), the prefix and value are combined into a single argument. In the example above, this is rendered as `-i42`. ```cwl example_file: type: File? inputBinding: prefix: --file= separate: false position: 4 ``` File types appear on the command line as the path to the file. When the parameter type ends with a question mark `?` it indicates that the parameter is optional. In the example above, this is rendered as `--file=/tmp/random/path/whale.txt`. However, if the "example_file" parameter were not provided in the input, nothing would appear on the command line. Input files are read-only. If you wish to update an input file, you must [first copy it to the output directory](staging-input-files.md). The value of `position` is used to determine where parameter should appear on the command line. Positions are relative to one another, not absolute. As a result, positions do not have to be sequential, three parameters with positions 1, 3, 5 will result in the same command line as 1, 2, 3. More than one parameter can have the same position (ties are broken using the parameter name), and the position field itself is optional. The default position is 0. The `baseCommand` field will always appear in the final command line before the parameters. [touch]: http://www.linfo.org/touch.html ## Array Inputs It is easy to add arrays of input parameters represented to the command line. There are two ways to specify an array parameter. First is to provide `type` field with `type: array` and `items` defining the valid data types that may appear in the array. Alternatively, brackets `[]` may be added after the type name to indicate that input parameter is array of that type. ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/array-inputs.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`array-inputs.cwl`" :name: array-inputs.cwl ``` ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/array-inputs-job.yml :language: yaml :caption: "`array-inputs-job.yml`" :name: array-inputs-job.yml ``` Now invoke `cwltool` providing the tool description and the input object on the command line: ```{runcmd} cwltool array-inputs.cwl array-inputs-job.yml :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/inputs/ ``` ```{code-block} console $ cat output.txt -A one two three -B=four -B=five -B=six -C=seven,eight,nine ``` The `inputBinding` can appear either on the outer array parameter definition or the inner array element definition, and these produce different behavior when constructing the command line, as shown above. In addition, the `itemSeparator` field, if provided, specifies that array values should be concatenated into a single argument separated by the item separator string. Note that the arrays of inputs are specified inside square brackets `[]` in `array-inputs-job.yml`. Arrays can also be expressed over multiple lines, where array values that are not defined with an associated key are marked by a leading `-`. This will be demonstrated in the next lesson and is discussed in more detail in the [YAML Guide](yaml-guide.md#arrays). You can specify arrays of arrays, arrays of records, and other complex types. ## Inclusive and Exclusive Inputs Sometimes an underlying tool has several arguments that must be provided together (they are dependent) or several arguments that cannot be provided together (they are exclusive). You can use records and type unions to group parameters together to describe these two conditions. ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/record.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`record.cwl`" :name: record.cwl ``` ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/record-job1.yml :language: yaml :caption: "`record-job1.yml`" :name: record-job1.yml ``` ```{runcmd} cwltool record.cwl record-job1.yml :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/inputs/ :emphasize-lines: 6-7 ``` In the first example, you can't provide `itemA` without also providing `itemB`. ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/record-job2.yml :language: yaml :caption: "`record-job2.yml`" :name: record-job2.yml ``` ```{runcmd} cwltool record.cwl record-job2.yml :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/inputs :emphasize-lines: 4, 10-11, 23 ``` ```{code-block} console $ cat output.txt -A one -B two -C three ``` In the second example, `itemC` and `itemD` are exclusive, so only the first matching item (`itemC`) is added to the command line and remaining item (`itemD`) is ignored. ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/record-job3.yml :language: yaml :caption: "`record-job3.yml`" :name: record-job3.yml ``` ```{runcmd} cwltool record.cwl record-job3.yml :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/inputs :emphasize-lines: 9-10, 22 ``` ```{code-block} console $ cat output.txt -A one -B two -D four ``` In the third example, only `itemD` is provided, so it appears on the command line. ### Exclusive Input Parameters with Expressions If you use exclusive input parameters and reference them in expressions, you need to be aware that the `inputs` JavaScript object will contain one of the possible, mutually-exclusive input values. Because the types of these exclusive values may differ, you may need to check which type is in use when you reference the properties of the `input` object. Let's use an example that contains an exclusive `file_format` input parameter that accepts `null` (i.e. no value provided), or any value from an enum. ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/inputs/exclusive-parameter-expressions.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`exclusive-parameter-expressions.cwl`" :name: exclusive-parameter-expressions.cwl ``` Note how the JavaScript expression uses the value of the exclusive input parameter without taking into consideration a `null` value. If you provide a valid value, such as `fasta` (one of the possible values of the enum), your command should execute successfully: ```{runcmd} cwltool exclusive-parameter-expressions.cwl --file_format fasta :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/inputs ``` However, if you do not provide any input value, then `file_format` will be evaluated to `null`, which does not match the expected type for the output field (a `string`), resulting in failure when running your workflow. ```{runcmd} cwltool exclusive-parameter-expressions.cwl :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/inputs :emphasize-lines: 5-10 ``` To correct it, you should explicitly handle the possibility of a `null` value. For example, the expression could be changed to `$(inputs.file_format || 'auto')`, to have a default value `"auto"` if none was provided in the command line or job input file. Here, the boolean “or” operator `||` in JavaScript is used for its _short-circuiting_ property. If `inputs.file_format` is “true” in a boolean context (e.g. a valid non-empty string from the enum), the evaluation of the expression stops at the first operand of `||`; it “short-circuits”. If however `inputs.file_format` is `null`, the whole expression’s value becomes that of the second operand, which is why a reasonable default can be provided there. % TODO % % - Explain its fields, such as default, valueFrom, etc. - https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/issues/359 % - Optional Inputs https://github.com/common-workflow-language/user_guide/issues/44 % - Several ways of defining inputs/arguments to tools and workflows - https://github.com/common-workflow-language/user_guide/issues/33 % - Using an input output in another input - https://github.com/common-workflow-language/user_guide/issues/90 % - How to use linkMerge - https://github.com/common-workflow-language/user_guide/issues/117 (or maybe move to Advanced?) % - Secondary files - https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/issues/270