Common Workflow Language (CWL) Workflow Description, v1.2.1 §

This version:

Latest stable version:


Contributors to v1.2:

Incorporates the work of past authors and contributors to CWL v1.0 and CWL v1.1.

This standard was approved on 2020-08-07 by the CWL leadership team consisting of:

Publisher: Common Workflow Language project, a member project of Software Freedom Conservancy

Abstract §

This specification defines the Common Workflow Language (CWL) Workflow description, a vendor-neutral standard for representing analysis tasks where a sequence of operations are described using a directed graph of operations to transform input to output. CWL is portable across a variety of computing platforms.

Status of this document §

This document is the product of the Common Workflow Language working group. The source for the latest version of this document is available at

The products of the CWL working group (including this document) are made available under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0.

Table of contents

1. Introduction §

The Common Workflow Language (CWL) working group is an informal, multi-vendor working group consisting of various organizations and individuals that have an interest in portability of data analysis workflows. The goal is to create specifications like this one that enable data scientists to describe analysis tools and workflows that are powerful, easy to use, portable, and support reproducibility.

1.1 Introduction to the CWL Workflow standard v1.2.1 §

There are no new features nor behavior changes in CWL v1.2.1 as compared to CWL v1.2.0. v1.2.1 fixes only typos, adds clarifications, and adds additional conformance tests. Some changes to the schema defining CWL have been made to aid the auto-generation of libraries for the reading and writing of CWL documents.

Documents should continue to specify cwlVersion: v1.2. However, when reporting results from running the CWL conformance tests, please do report all three components; for example "99% of CWL v1.2.0 required tests" or "100% of CWL v1.2.1 required tests".

See also the CommandLineTool v1.2.1 changelog and the Schema-Salad v1.2.1 changelog.

1.2 Changelog for v1.2.1 §

  • CWL has been assigned an official IANA Media Type of application/cwl for either JSON or YAML format. For JSON formatted CWL documents, application/cwl+json has also been assigned and can be used. For specifying a YAML formatted CWL document, one can use application/cwl+yaml. The above has been documented in the Syntax section.
  • There is now an unofficial JSON Schema for CWL documents, donated by Francis Charette-Migneault. This schema captures much, but not all, of the potential complexity of CWL documents. It was created for the draft OGC API - Processes - Part 2: Deploy, Replace, Undeploy standard. To support the testing of this unofficial JSON Schema for CWL, some of the should_fail: true tests have had the label json_schema_invalid added.
  • For consistency, all references to URIs have been replaced with IRIs (Internationalized Resource Identifiers).
  • The field description now explicitly states that it can be either a string referencing an external document or an embedded Process. This was previously only stated indirectly.
  • The outputSource field of WorkflowOutputParameter now explicitly states that workflow inputs can be referenced. The mandatory conformance test output_reference_workflow_input has been added to confirm this.
  • The example list of process requirements that can be inherited from a parent Workflow by a CommandLineTool was incomplete in CWL v1.2; LoadListingRequirement, WorkReuse, NetworkAccess, InplaceUpdateRequirement, ToolTimeLimit are also valid.
  • The BNF grammar description of CWL Parameter References has been reformatted so that symbols get code formatting.
  • In CWL v1.2, the outputs of ExpressionTools are never type-checked due to a long-standing bug in the CWL reference implementation. This has been made explicit along with the plan to fix this oversight in CWL v1.3.
  • The purpose and valid circumstances for using,, or have been made more explicit: It is a unique identifier for that Process; Only useful for when those are in a $graph. This id value should not be exposed to users in graphical or terminal user interfaces.

1.2.1 Clarifications to the schema in CWL v1.2.1 to aid autogenerated libraries §

Many CWL parsing/generating libraries are autogenerated from the official schema for various programming languages by using schema-salad --codegen.

In CWL v1.2.1 we made many clarifications to the schema to enable faster parsing; or to produce better results for end users. These changes do not change the CWL syntax or its meaning; we are just now modeling it better.

  • The schema for Requirements has changed to enable faster parsing by autogenerated libraries. The class field is now a static enum with a single permissible value instead of a generic string (for example: class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement for a SubworkflowFeatureRequirement hint or requirement.) This allows for autogenerated CWL parsers to recognize any requirement immediately instead of having to check for matching field names and valid values, as was done previously.
  • Likewise, the schema for Workflow, ExpressionTool, and Operation has also been changed to enable faster parsing; the class field is now a static enum with a single permissible value (class: Workflow, class: ExpressionTool, class: Operation) instead of a generic string.
  • The schema for the hints field of Workflow, ExpressionTool, and Operation has been expanded from: Any[]? to ["null", { type: array, items: [ ProcessRequirement, Any] } ]. This allows autogenerated CWL parsers to deserialize any of the standard CWL hints instead of forcing the users of those parsers to convert the unserialized hints to normal objects themselves.
  • The schema for WorkflowOutputParameter.outputSource had the wrong refScope of 0 instead of 1; This will correctly remove the id of the workflow itself when searching for the source of this output.
  • Everywhere the schema allows a value of type long we also explicitly allow a value of type int: File.size, ToolTimeLimit.timelimt. By JSON rules this is implicit, but by making it explicit we aid autogenerated CWL libraries especially in languages such as Java.
  • The schema for the default field of WorkflowInputParameter, WorkflowStepInput, and OperationInputParameter has been expanded from Any? to ["null", File, Directory, Any] so that autogenerated CWL libraries will deserialize any File or Directory objects automatically for the user.
  • The schema for the hints field of Workflow, ExpressionTool, and Operation has been expanded from: Any[]? to ["null", { type: array, items: [ ProcessRequirement, Any] } ]. This allows autogenerated CWL parsers to deserialize any of the standard CWL hints instead of forcing the users of those parsers to convert the unserialized hints to normal objects themselves.

1.2.2 Updated Conformance Tests for v1.2.1 §

  • Conformance tests are now referred to by their textual identifiers (id). Previously this was the label field. Tests without a label/id have been given one.
  • direct_required, direct_required_nojs, conditionals_nested_cross_scatter, conditionals_nested_cross_scatter_nojs: Marked the workflow outputs as optional to remove ambiguity for these conditional when tests; allowing conformant CWL runners to be more strict in their interpretation of the typing rules, if they choose so.
  • timelimit_basic_wf: The timeout has been increased from three seconds to eight seconds to accommodate some runners who count container startup time in the total.
  • timelimit_invalid_wf: The timing on this test was updated from shorter values to accommodate the startup time of certain container runners, the previous timelimit of 5 seconds was too short, which is why it is now 20 seconds.
  • The file tests/wc-tool.cwl was adapted to produce the same results on BSD systems (like macOS) as GNU/Linux systems. This improved compatibility for the following tests: nested_workflow_noexp, wf_wc_parseInt, nested_workflow, embedded_subworkflow, step_input_default_value_overriden_2nd_step_noexp, step_input_default_value_overriden_2nd_step, step_input_default_value_overriden_2nd_step_null_noexp, step_input_default_value_overriden_2nd_step_null, step_input_default_value_overriden_noexp, step_input_default_value_nosource, step_input_default_value_nullsource, step_input_default_value_overriden, scatter_multi_input_embedded_subworkflow, workflow_embedded_subworkflow_embedded_subsubworkflow, workflow_embedded_subworkflow_with_tool_and_subsubworkflow, workflow_embedded_subworkflow_with_subsubworkflow_and_tool, scatter_embedded_subworkflow, step_input_default_value_noexp, step_input_default_value, valuefrom_wf_step.

1.2.3 New Mandatory Conformance tests for v1.2.1 §

  • output_reference_workflow_input: Test direct use of Workflow level input fields in the outputs.

1.2.4 New Optional Conformance Tests for v1.2.1 § SchemaDefRequirement tests §

  • schemadef_types_with_import: Test SchemaDefRequirement with a workflow, with the $import under types. It is similar to schemadef-wf, but the $import is different. ScatterFeatureRequirement tests §

  • simple_simple_scatter: Two level nested scatter.
  • dotproduct_simple_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external dotproduct and internal simple.
  • simple_dotproduct_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external simple and internal dotproduct.
  • dotproduct_dotproduct_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external dotproduct and internal dotproduct.
  • flat_crossproduct_simple_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external flat_crossproduct and internal simple.
  • simple_flat_crossproduct_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external simple and internal flat_crossproduct.
  • flat_crossproduct_flat_crossproduct_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external flat_crossproduct and internal flat_crossproduct.
  • nested_crossproduct_simple_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external nested_crossproduct and internal simple.
  • simple_nested_crossproduct_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external simple and internal nested_crossproduct.
  • nested_crossproduct_nested_crossproduct_scatter: Two level nested scatter: external nested_crossproduct and internal nested_crossproduct. StepInputExpressionRequirement tests §

  • default_with_falsey_value: Confirms that "false"-like (but not 'null') values override any default.

1.3 Introduction to CWL Workflow standard v1.2 §

This specification represents the latest stable release from the CWL group. Since the v1.1 release, v1.2 introduces the following updates to the CWL Workflow standard. Documents should to use cwlVersion: v1.2 to make use of new syntax and features introduced in v1.2. Existing v1.1 documents should be trivially updatable by changing cwlVersion, however CWL documents that relied on previously undefined or underspecified behavior may have slightly different behavior in v1.2. See note about cwl-upgrader in the changelog.

1.4 Changelog §

  • Adds when field to WorkflowStep for conditional execution
  • Adds pickValue field to WorkflowStepInput and WorkflowOutputParameter for selecting among null and non-null source values
  • Add abstract Operation that can be used as a no-op stand-in to describe abstract workflows.
  • Workflow, ExpressionTool and Operation can now express intent with an identifier for the type of computational operation.
  • Clarify there are no limits on the size of file literal contents.
  • When using loadContents it now must fail when attempting to load a file greater than 64 KiB instead of silently truncating the data.
  • Note that only enum and record types can be typedef-ed
  • Escaping in string interpolation has been added to the specification along with conformance tests.
  • Added discussion of packed documents.
  • Specify behavior when source is a single-item list and no linkMerge is set.
  • Added discussion about handling different document versions.
  • Added definition of data link

See also the CWL Command Line Tool Description, v1.2 changelog. For other changes since CWL v1.0, see the CWL Workflow Description, v1.1 changelog.

cwl-upgrader can be used for upgrading CWL documents from version draft-3, v1.0, and v1.1 to v1.2.

1.5 Purpose §

The Common Workflow Language Command Line Tool Description express workflows for data-intensive science, such as bioinformatics, physics, astronomy, geoscience, and machine learning. This specification is intended to define a data and execution model for Workflows that can be implemented on top of a variety of computing platforms, ranging from an individual workstation to cluster, grid, cloud, and high performance computing systems. Details related to execution of these workflow not laid out in this specification are open to interpretation by the computing platform implementing this specification.

1.6 References to other specifications §

Javascript Object Notation (JSON):

JSON Linked Data (JSON-LD):



Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs):

Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX.1-2008):

Resource Description Framework (RDF):

XDG Base Directory Specification:

1.7 Scope §

This document describes CWL syntax, execution, and object model. It is not intended to document a CWL specific implementation, however it may serve as a reference for the behavior of conforming implementations.

1.8 Terminology §

The terminology used to describe CWL documents is defined in the Concepts section of the specification. The terms defined in the following list are used in building those definitions and in describing the actions of a CWL implementation:

may: Conforming CWL documents and CWL implementations are permitted but not required to behave as described.

must: Conforming CWL documents and CWL implementations are required to behave as described; otherwise they are in error.

error: A violation of the rules of this specification; results are undefined. Conforming implementations may detect and report an error and may recover from it.

fatal error: A violation of the rules of this specification; results are undefined. Conforming implementations must not continue to execute the current process and may report an error.

at user option: Conforming software may or must (depending on the modal verb in the sentence) behave as described; if it does, it must provide users a means to enable or disable the behavior described.

deprecated: Conforming software may implement a behavior for backwards compatibility. Portable CWL documents should not rely on deprecated behavior. Behavior marked as deprecated may be removed entirely from future revisions of the CWL specification.

1.9 Glossary §

Opaque strings: Opaque strings (or opaque identifiers, opaque values) are nonsensical values that are swapped out with a real value later in the evaluation process. Workflow and tool expressions should not rely on it nor try to parse it.

2. Data model §

2.1 Data concepts §

An object is a data structure equivalent to the "object" type in JSON, consisting of an unordered set of name/value pairs (referred to here as fields) and where the name is a string and the value is a string, number, boolean, array, or object.

A document is a file containing a serialized object, or an array of objects.

A process is a basic unit of computation which accepts input data, performs some computation, and produces output data. Examples include CommandLineTools, Workflows, and ExpressionTools.

An input object is an object describing the inputs to an invocation of a process. The fields of the input object are referred to as "input parameters".

An output object is an object describing the output resulting from an invocation of a process. The fields of the output object are referred to as "output parameters".

An input schema describes the valid format (required fields, data types) for an input object.

An output schema describes the valid format for an output object.

Metadata is information about workflows, tools, or input items.

2.2 Syntax §

CWL documents must consist of an object or array of objects represented using JSON or YAML syntax. Upon loading, a CWL implementation must apply the preprocessing steps described in the Semantic Annotations for Linked Avro Data (SALAD) Specification. An implementation may formally validate the structure of a CWL document using SALAD schemas located at

The official IANA media-type for CWL documents is application/cwl for either JSON or YAML format. For JSON formatted CWL documents, application/cwl+json can be used. For specifying a YAML formatted CWL document, one can use application/cwl+yaml.

CWL documents commonly reference other CWL documents. Each document must declare the cwlVersion of that document. Implementations must validate against the document's declared version. Implementations should allow workflows to reference documents of both newer and older CWL versions (up to the highest version of CWL supported by that implementation). Where the runtime environment or runtime behavior has changed between versions, for that portion of the execution an implementation must provide runtime environment and behavior consistent with the document's declared version. An implementation must not expose a newer feature when executing a document that specifies an older version that does not include that feature.

2.2.1 map §

Note: This section is non-normative.

type: array<ComplexType> | map<key_field, ComplexType>

The above syntax in the CWL specifications means there are two or more ways to write the given value.

Option one is an array and is the most verbose option.

Option one generic example:

  - key_field: a_complex_type1
    field2: foo
    field3: bar
  - key_field: a_complex_type2
    field2: foo2
    field3: bar2
  - key_field: a_complex_type3

Option one specific example using Workflow.inputs:

array<InputParameter> | map<id, type | InputParameter>

  - id: workflow_input01
    type: string
  - id: workflow_input02
    type: File

Option two is enabled by the map<…> syntax. Instead of an array of entries we use a mapping, where one field of the ComplexType (here named key_field) becomes the key in the map, and its value is the rest of the ComplexType without the key field. If all of the other fields of the ComplexType are optional and unneeded, then we can indicate this with an empty mapping as the value: a_complex_type3: {}

Option two generic example:

  a_complex_type1:  # this was the "key_field" from above
    field2: foo
    field3: bar
    field2: foo2
    field3: bar2
  a_complex_type3: {}  # we accept the default values for "field2" and "field3"

Option two specific example using Workflow.inputs:

array<InputParameter> | map<id, type | InputParameter>

    type: string
    type: File

Option two specific example using SoftwareRequirement.packages:

array<SoftwarePackage> | map<package, specs | SoftwarePackage>

        specs: [ ]
        version: [ "1.0" ]
      python: {}

Sometimes we have a third and even more compact option denoted like this:

type: array<ComplexType> | map<key_field, field2 | ComplexType>

For this example, if we only need the key_field and field2 when specifying our ComplexTypes (because the other fields are optional and we are fine with their default values) then we can abbreviate.

Option three generic example:

  a_complex_type1: foo   # we accept the default value for field3
  a_complex_type2: foo2  # we accept the default value for field3
  a_complex_type3: {}    # we accept the default values for "field2" and "field3"

Option three specific example using Workflow.inputs:

array<InputParameter> | map<id, type | InputParameter>

  workflow_input01: string
  workflow_input02: File  # we accept the default of no File format

Option three specific example using SoftwareRequirement.packages:

array<SoftwarePackage> | map<package, specs | SoftwarePackage>

      sourmash: [ ]
      python: {}

What if some entries we want to mix the option 2 and 3? You can!

Mixed option 2 and 3 generic example:

  my_complex_type1: foo   # we accept the default value for field3
    field2: foo2
    field3: bar2          # we did not accept the default value for field3
                          # so we had to use the slightly expanded syntax
  my_complex_type3: {}    # as before, we accept the default values for both
                          # "field2" and "field3"

Mixed option 2 and 3 specific example using Workflow.inputs:

array<InputParameter> | map<id, type | InputParameter>

  workflow_input01: string
  workflow_input02:     # we use the longer way
    type: File          # because we want to specify the "format" too

Mixed option 2 and 3 specific example using SoftwareRequirement.packages:

array<SoftwarePackage> | map<package, specs | SoftwarePackage>

      sourmash: [ ]
        specs: [ ]
        version: [ "1.0" ]
      python: {}

Note: The map<…> (compact) versions are optional for users, the verbose option #1 is always allowed, but for presentation reasons option 3 and 2 may be preferred by human readers. Consumers of CWL must support all three options.

The normative explanation for these variations, aimed at implementers, is in the Schema Salad specification.

2.3 Identifiers §

If an object contains an id field, that is used to uniquely identify the object in that document. The value of the id field must be unique over the entire document. Identifiers may be resolved relative to either the document base and/or other identifiers following the rules are described in the Schema Salad specification.

An implementation may choose to only honor references to object types for which the id field is explicitly listed in this specification.

2.4 Document preprocessing §

An implementation must resolve $import and $include directives as described in the Schema Salad specification.

Another transformation defined in Schema salad is simplification of data type definitions. Type <T> ending with ? should be transformed to [<T>, "null"]. Type <T> ending with [] should be transformed to {"type": "array", "items": <T>}

2.5 Extensions and metadata §

Input metadata (for example, a sample identifier) may be represented within a tool or workflow using input parameters which are explicitly propagated to output. Future versions of this specification may define additional facilities for working with input/output metadata.

Implementation extensions not required for correct execution (for example, fields related to GUI presentation) and metadata about the tool or workflow itself (for example, authorship for use in citations) may be provided as additional fields on any object. Such extensions fields must use a namespace prefix listed in the $namespaces section of the document as described in the Schema Salad specification.

It is recommended that concepts from are used whenever possible. For the $schemas field we recommend their RDF encoding:

Implementation extensions which modify execution semantics must be listed in the requirements field.

2.6 Packed documents §

A "packed" CWL document is one that contains multiple process objects. This makes it possible to store and transmit a Workflow together with the processes of each of its steps in a single file.

There are two methods to create packed documents: embedding and $graph. These can be both appear in the same document.

"Embedding" is where the entire process object is copied into the run field of a workflow step. If the step process is a subworkflow, it can be processed recursively to embed the processes of the subworkflow steps, and so on. Embedded process objects may optionally include id fields.

A "$graph" document does not have a process object at the root. Instead, there is a $graph field which consists of a list of process objects. Each process object must have an id field. Workflow run fields cross-reference other processes in the document $graph using the id of the process object.

All process objects in a packed document must validate and execute as the cwlVersion appearing the top level. A cwlVersion field appearing anywhere other than the top level must be ignored.

When executing a packed document, the reference to the document may include a fragment identifier. If present, the fragment identifier specifies the id of the process to execute.

If the reference to the packed document does not include a fragment identifier, the runner must choose the top-level process object as the entry point. If there is no top-level process object (as in the case of $graph) then the runner must choose the process object with an id of #main. If there is no #main object, the runner must return an error.

3. Execution model §

3.1 Execution concepts §

A parameter is a named symbolic input or output of process, with an associated datatype or schema. During execution, values are assigned to parameters to make the input object or output object used for concrete process invocation.

A CommandLineTool is a process characterized by the execution of a standalone, non-interactive program which is invoked on some input, produces output, and then terminates.

A workflow is a process characterized by multiple subprocess steps, where step outputs are connected to the inputs of downstream steps to form a directed acyclic graph, and independent steps may run concurrently.

A runtime environment is the actual hardware and software environment when executing a command line tool. It includes, but is not limited to, the hardware architecture, hardware resources, operating system, software runtime (if applicable, such as the specific Python interpreter or the specific Java virtual machine), libraries, modules, packages, utilities, and data files required to run the tool.

A workflow platform is a specific hardware and software implementation capable of interpreting CWL documents and executing the processes specified by the document. The responsibilities of the workflow platform may include scheduling process invocation, setting up the necessary runtime environment, making input data available, invoking the tool process, and collecting output.

A data link is a connection from a "Source" parameter to a "Sink" parameter. A data link expresses that when a value becomes available for the source parameter, that value should be copied to the "sink" parameter. Reflecting the direction of data flow, a data link is described as "outgoing" from the source and "inbound" to the sink.

A workflow platform may choose to only implement the Command Line Tool Description part of the CWL specification.

It is intended that the workflow platform has broad leeway outside of this specification to optimize use of computing resources and enforce policies not covered by this specification. Some areas that are currently out of scope for CWL specification but may be handled by a specific workflow platform include:

  • Data security and permissions
  • Scheduling tool invocations on remote cluster or cloud compute nodes.
  • Using virtual machines or operating system containers to manage the runtime (except as described in DockerRequirement).
  • Using remote or distributed file systems to manage input and output files.
  • Transforming file paths.
  • Pausing, resuming or checkpointing processes or workflows.

Conforming CWL processes must not assume anything about the runtime environment or workflow platform unless explicitly declared though the use of process requirements.

3.2 Generic execution process §

The generic execution sequence of a CWL process (including workflows and command line tools) is as follows. Processes are modeled as functions that consume an input object and produce an output object.

  1. Load input object.
  2. Load, process and validate a CWL document, yielding one or more process objects. The $namespaces present in the CWL document are also used when validating and processing the input object.
  3. If there are multiple process objects (due to $graph) and which process object to start with is not specified in the input object (via a cwl:tool entry) or by any other means (like a URL fragment) then choose the process with the id of "#main" or "main".
  4. Validate the input object against the inputs schema for the process.
  5. Validate process requirements are met.
  6. Perform any further setup required by the specific process type.
  7. Execute the process.
  8. Capture results of process execution into the output object.
  9. Validate the output object against the outputs schema for the process (with the exception of ExpressionTool outputs, which are always considered valid).
  10. Report the output object to the process caller.

3.3 Requirements and hints §

A process requirement modifies the semantics or runtime environment of a process. If an implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process, unless overridden at user option.

A hint is similar to a requirement; however, it is not an error if an implementation cannot satisfy all hints. The implementation may report a warning if a hint cannot be satisfied.

Optionally, implementations may allow requirements to be specified in the input object document as an array of requirements under the field name cwl:requirements. If implementations allow this, then such requirements should be combined with any requirements present in the corresponding Process as if they were specified there.

Requirements specified in a parent Workflow are inherited by step processes if they are valid for that step. If the substep is a CommandLineTool only the InlineJavascriptRequirement, SchemaDefRequirement, DockerRequirement, SoftwareRequirement, InitialWorkDirRequirement, EnvVarRequirement, ShellCommandRequirement, ResourceRequirement, LoadListingRequirement, WorkReuse, NetworkAccess, InplaceUpdateRequirement, ToolTimeLimit are valid.

As good practice, it is best to have process requirements be self-contained, such that each process can run successfully by itself.

If the same process requirement appears at different levels of the workflow, the most specific instance of the requirement is used, that is, an entry in requirements on a process implementation such as CommandLineTool will take precedence over an entry in requirements specified in a workflow step, and an entry in requirements on a workflow step takes precedence over the workflow. Entries in hints are resolved the same way.

Requirements override hints. If a process implementation provides a process requirement in hints which is also provided in requirements by an enclosing workflow or workflow step, the enclosing requirements takes precedence.

3.4 Parameter references §

Parameter references are denoted by the syntax $(...) and may be used in any field permitting the pseudo-type Expression, as specified by this document. Conforming implementations must support parameter references. Parameter references use the following subset of Javascript/ECMAScript 5.1 syntax, but they are designed to not require a Javascript engine for evaluation.

In the following BNF grammar, character classes and grammar rules are denoted in {}, - denotes exclusion from a character class, (()) denotes grouping, | denotes alternates, trailing * denotes zero or more repeats, + denotes one or more repeats, and all other characters are literal values.

symbol ::= {Unicode alphanumeric}+
singleq ::= [' (( {character - { | \ ' \} } ))* ']
doubleq ::= [" (( {character - { | \ " \} } ))* "]
index ::= [ {decimal digit}+ ]
segment ::= . {symbol} | {singleq} | {doubleq} | {index}
parameter reference ::= ( {symbol} {segment}*)

Use the following algorithm to resolve a parameter reference:

  1. Match the leading symbol as the key
  2. If the key is the special value 'null' then the value of the parameter reference is 'null'. If the key is 'null' it must be the only symbol in the parameter reference.
  3. Look up the key in the parameter context (described below) to get the current value. It is an error if the key is not found in the parameter context.
  4. If there are no subsequent segments, terminate and return current value
  5. Else, match the next segment
  6. Extract the symbol, string, or index from the segment as the key
  7. Look up the key in current value and assign as new current value.
    1. If the key is a symbol or string, the current value must be an object.
    2. If the key is an index, the current value must be an array or string.
    3. If the next key is the last key and it has the special value 'length' and the current value is an array, the value of the parameter reference is the length of the array. If the value 'length' is encountered in other contexts, normal evaluation rules apply.
    4. It is an error if the key does not match the required type, or the key is not found or out of range.
  8. Repeat steps 3-8

The root namespace is the parameter context. The following parameters must be provided:

  • inputs: The input object to the current Process.
  • self: A context-specific value. The contextual values for 'self' are documented for specific fields elsewhere in this specification. If a contextual value of 'self' is not documented for a field, it must be 'null'.
  • runtime: An object containing configuration details. Specific to the process type. An implementation may provide opaque strings for any or all fields of runtime. These must be filled in by the platform after processing the Tool but before actual execution. Parameter references and expressions may only use the literal string value of the field and must not perform computation on the contents, except where noted otherwise.

If the value of a field has no leading or trailing non-whitespace characters around a parameter reference, the effective value of the field becomes the value of the referenced parameter, preserving the return type.

3.4.1 String interpolation §

If the value of a field has non-whitespace leading or trailing characters around a parameter reference, it is subject to string interpolation. The effective value of the field is a string containing the leading characters, followed by the string value of the parameter reference, followed by the trailing characters. The string value of the parameter reference is its textual JSON representation with the following rules:

  • Strings are replaced the literal text of the string, any escaped characters replaced by the literal characters they represent, and there are no leading or trailing quotes.
  • Objects entries are sorted by key

Multiple parameter references may appear in a single field. This case must be treated as a string interpolation. After interpolating the first parameter reference, interpolation must be recursively applied to the trailing characters to yield the final string value.

When text embedded in a CWL file represents code for another programming language, the use of $(...) (and ${...} in the case of expressions) may conflict with the syntax of that language. For example, when writing shell scripts, $(...) is used to execute a command in a subshell and replace a portion of the command line with the standard output of that command.

The following escaping rules apply. The scanner makes a single pass from start to end with 3-character lookahead. After performing a replacement scanning resumes at the next character following the replaced substring.

  1. The substrings \$( and \${ are replaced by $( and ${ respectively. No parameter or expression evaluation interpolation occurs.
  2. A double backslash \\ is replaced by a single backslash \.
  3. A substring starting with a backslash that does not match one of the previous rules is left unchanged.

3.5 Expressions (Optional) §

An expression is a fragment of Javascript/ECMAScript 5.1 code evaluated by the workflow platform to affect the inputs, outputs, or behavior of a process. In the generic execution sequence, expressions may be evaluated during step 5 (process setup), step 6 (execute process), and/or step 7 (capture output). Expressions are distinct from regular processes in that they are intended to modify the behavior of the workflow itself rather than perform the primary work of the workflow.

Expressions in CWL are an optional feature and are not required to be implemented by all consumers of CWL documents. They should be used sparingly, when there is no other way to achieve the desired outcome. Excessive use of expressions may be a signal that other refactoring of the tools or workflows would benefit the author, runtime, and users of the CWL document in question.

To declare the use of expressions, the document must include the process requirement InlineJavascriptRequirement. Expressions may be used in any field permitting the pseudo-type Expression, as specified by this document.

Expressions are denoted by the syntax $(...) or ${...}.

A code fragment wrapped in the $(...) syntax must be evaluated as a ECMAScript expression.

A code fragment wrapped in the ${...} syntax must be evaluated as a ECMAScript function body for an anonymous, zero-argument function. This means the code will be evaluated as (function() { ... })().

Expressions must return a valid JSON data type: one of null, string, number, boolean, array, object. Other return values must result in a permanentFailure. Implementations must permit any syntactically valid Javascript and account for nesting of parenthesis or braces and that strings that may contain parenthesis or braces when scanning for expressions.

The runtime must include any code defined in the "expressionLib" field of InlineJavascriptRequirement prior to executing the actual expression.

Before executing the expression, the runtime must initialize as global variables the fields of the parameter context described above.

The effective value of the field after expression evaluation follows the same rules as parameter references discussed above. Multiple expressions may appear in a single field.

Expressions must be evaluated in an isolated context (a "sandbox") which permits no side effects to leak outside the context. Expressions also must be evaluated in Javascript strict mode.

The order in which expressions are evaluated is undefined except where otherwise noted in this document.

An implementation may choose to implement parameter references by evaluating as a Javascript expression. The results of evaluating parameter references must be identical whether implemented by Javascript evaluation or some other means.

Implementations may apply other limits, such as process isolation, timeouts, and operating system containers/jails to minimize the security risks associated with running untrusted code embedded in a CWL document.

Javascript exceptions thrown from a CWL expression must result in a permanentFailure of the CWL process.

3.6 Executing CWL documents as scripts §

By convention, a CWL document may begin with #!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner and be marked as executable (the POSIX "+x" permission bits) to enable it to be executed directly. A workflow platform may support this mode of operation; if so, it must provide cwl-runner as an alias for the platform's CWL implementation.

A CWL input object document may similarly begin with #!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner and be marked as executable. In this case, the input object must include the field cwl:tool supplying an IRI to the default CWL document that should be executed using the fields of the input object as input parameters.

The cwl-runner interface is required for conformance testing and is documented in cwl-runner.cwl.

3.7 Discovering CWL documents on a local filesystem §

To discover CWL documents look in the following locations:

For each value in the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable (which is a : colon separated list), check the ./commonwl subdirectory. If XDG_DATA_DIRS is unset or empty, then check using the default value for XDG_DATA_DIRS: /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/ (That is to say, check /usr/share/commonwl/ and /usr/local/share/commonwl/)

Then check $XDG_DATA_HOME/commonwl/.

If the XDG_DATA_HOME environment variable is unset, its default value is $HOME/.local/share (That is to say, check $HOME/.local/share/commonwl)

$XDG_DATA_HOME and $XDG_DATA_DIRS are from the XDG Base Directory Specification

4. Workflow §

A workflow describes a set of steps and the dependencies between those steps. When a step produces output that will be consumed by a second step, the first step is a dependency of the second step.

When there is a dependency, the workflow engine must execute the preceding step and wait for it to successfully produce output before executing the dependent step. If two steps are defined in the workflow graph that are not directly or indirectly dependent, these steps are independent, and may execute in any order or execute concurrently. A workflow is complete when all steps have been executed.

Dependencies between parameters are expressed using the source field on workflow step input parameters and outputSource field on workflow output parameters.

The source field on each workflow step input parameter expresses the data links that contribute to the value of the step input parameter (the "sink"). A workflow step can only begin execution when every data link connected to a step has been fulfilled.

The outputSource field on each workflow step input parameter expresses the data links that contribute to the value of the workflow output parameter (the "sink"). Workflow execution cannot complete successfully until every data link connected to an output parameter has been fulfilled.

Workflow success and failure §

A completed step must result in one of success, temporaryFailure or permanentFailure states. An implementation may choose to retry a step execution which resulted in temporaryFailure. An implementation may choose to either continue running other steps of a workflow, or terminate immediately upon permanentFailure.

  • If any step of a workflow execution results in permanentFailure, then the workflow status is permanentFailure.

  • If one or more steps result in temporaryFailure and all other steps complete success or are not executed, then the workflow status is temporaryFailure.

  • If all workflow steps are executed and complete with success, then the workflow status is success.

Extensions §

ScatterFeatureRequirement and SubworkflowFeatureRequirement are available as standard extensions to core workflow semantics.



Defines the input parameters of the process. The process is ready to run when all required input parameters are associated with concrete values. Input parameters include a schema for each parameter which is used to validate the input object. It may also be used to build a user interface for constructing the input object.

When accepting an input object, all input parameters must have a value. If an input parameter is missing from the input object, it must be assigned a value of null (or the value of default for that parameter, if provided) for the purposes of validation and evaluation of expressions.


Defines the parameters representing the output of the process. May be used to generate and/or validate the output object.

constant value Workflow

The individual steps that make up the workflow. Each step is executed when all of its input data links are fulfilled. An implementation may choose to execute the steps in a different order than listed and/or execute steps concurrently, provided that dependencies between steps are met.


The unique identifier for this object.

Only useful for $graph at Process level. Should not be exposed to users in graphical or terminal user interfaces.


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


Declares requirements that apply to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine that must be met in order to execute this process. If an implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process, unless overridden at user option.


CWL document version. Always required at the document root. Not required for a Process embedded inside another Process.


An identifier for the type of computational operation, of this Process. Especially useful for Operation, but can also be used for CommandLineTool, Workflow, or ExpressionTool.

If provided, then this must be an IRI of a concept node that represents the type of operation, preferably defined within an ontology.

For example, in the domain of bioinformatics, one can use an IRI from the EDAM Ontology's Operation concept nodes, like Alignment, or Clustering; or a more specific Operation concept like Split read mapping.

4.1 WorkflowInputParameter §



Specify valid types of data that may be assigned to this parameter.


A short, human-readable label of this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file. Secondary files may be required or optional. When not explicitly specified, secondary files specified for inputs are required and outputs are optional. An implementation must include matching Files and Directories in the secondaryFiles property of the primary file. These Files and Directories must be transferred and staged alongside the primary file. An implementation may fail workflow execution if a required secondary file does not exist.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. The expression must return a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object with either path or location and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects. It is legal to reference an unchanged File or Directory object taken from input as a secondaryFile. The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondaryFile from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

A value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a named pipe. Default: false.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The unique identifier for this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

This must be one or more IRIs of concept nodes that represents file formats which are allowed as input to this parameter, preferably defined within an ontology. If no ontology is available, file formats may be tested by exact match.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

If true, the file (or each file in the array) must be a UTF-8 text file 64 KiB or smaller, and the implementation must read the entire contents of the file (or file array) and place it in the contents field of the File object for use by expressions. If the size of the file is greater than 64 KiB, the implementation must raise a fatal error.


Only valid when type: Directory or is an array of items: Directory.

Specify the desired behavior for loading the listing field of a Directory object for use by expressions.

The order of precedence for loadListing is:

  1. loadListing on an individual parameter
  2. Inherited from LoadListingRequirement
  3. By default: no_listing

The default value to use for this parameter if the parameter is missing from the input object, or if the value of the parameter in the input object is null. Default values are applied before evaluating expressions (e.g. dependent valueFrom fields).


Deprecated. Preserved for v1.0 backwards compatibility. Will be removed in CWL v2.0. Use WorkflowInputParameter.loadContents instead.

4.1.1 SecondaryFileSchema §

Secondary files are specified using the following micro-DSL for secondary files:

  • If the value is a string, it is transformed to an object with two fields pattern and required
  • By default, the value of required is null (this indicates default behavior, which may be based on the context)
  • If the value ends with a question mark ? the question mark is stripped off and the value of the field required is set to False
  • The remaining value is assigned to the field pattern

For implementation details and examples, please see this section in the Schema Salad specification.



Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool inputs the location field must also be present. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. If secondary files were included on an input File object as part of the Process invocation, they must also be present in secondaryFiles on self.

The expression must return either: a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object (class: File or class: Directory) with either location (for inputs) or path (for outputs) and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects as previously described.

It is legal to use location from a File or Directory object passed in as input, including location from secondary files on self. If an expression returns a File object with the same location but a different basename as a secondary file that was passed in, the expression result takes precedence. Setting the basename with an expression this way affects the path where the secondary file will be staged to in the CommandLineTool.

The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondary file from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should treat location as an opaque identifier and avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead, or propagate location from defined inputs.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

An implementation must not fail workflow execution if required is set to false and the expected secondary file does not exist. Default value for required field is true for secondary files on input and false for secondary files on output.

4.1.2 Expression §

'Expression' is not a real type. It indicates that a field must allow runtime parameter references. If InlineJavascriptRequirement is declared and supported by the platform, the field must also allow Javascript expressions.



4.1.3 LoadListingEnum §

Specify the desired behavior for loading the listing field of a Directory object for use by expressions.


no_listing Do not load the directory listing.
shallow_listing Only load the top level listing, do not recurse into subdirectories.
deep_listing Load the directory listing and recursively load all subdirectories as well.

4.1.4 File §

Represents a file (or group of files when secondaryFiles is provided) that will be accessible by tools using standard POSIX file system call API such as open(2) and read(2).

Files are represented as objects with class of File. File objects have a number of properties that provide metadata about the file.

The location property of a File is a IRI that uniquely identifies the file. Implementations must support the file:// IRI scheme and may support other schemes such as http:// and https://. The value of location may also be a relative reference, in which case it must be resolved relative to the IRI of the document it appears in. Alternately to location, implementations must also accept the path property on File, which must be a filesystem path available on the same host as the CWL runner (for inputs) or the runtime environment of a command line tool execution (for command line tool outputs).

If no location or path is specified, a file object must specify contents with the UTF-8 text content of the file. This is a "file literal". File literals do not correspond to external resources, but are created on disk with contents with when needed for executing a tool. Where appropriate, expressions can return file literals to define new files on a runtime. The maximum size of contents is 64 kilobytes.

The basename property defines the filename on disk where the file is staged. This may differ from the resource name. If not provided, basename must be computed from the last path part of location and made available to expressions.

The secondaryFiles property is a list of File or Directory objects that must be staged in the same directory as the primary file. It is an error for file names to be duplicated in secondaryFiles.

The size property is the size in bytes of the File. It must be computed from the resource and made available to expressions. The checksum field contains a cryptographic hash of the file content for use it verifying file contents. Implementations may, at user option, enable or disable computation of the checksum field for performance or other reasons. However, the ability to compute output checksums is required to pass the CWL conformance test suite.

When executing a CommandLineTool, the files and secondary files may be staged to an arbitrary directory, but must use the value of basename for the filename. The path property must be file path in the context of the tool execution runtime (local to the compute node, or within the executing container). All computed properties should be available to expressions. File literals also must be staged and path must be set.

When collecting CommandLineTool outputs, glob matching returns file paths (with the path property) and the derived properties. This can all be modified by outputEval. Alternately, if the file cwl.output.json is present in the output, outputBinding is ignored.

File objects in the output must provide either a location IRI or a path property in the context of the tool execution runtime (local to the compute node, or within the executing container).

When evaluating an ExpressionTool, file objects must be referenced via location (the expression tool does not have access to files on disk so path is meaningless) or as file literals. It is legal to return a file object with an existing location but a different basename. The loadContents field of ExpressionTool inputs behaves the same as on CommandLineTool inputs, however it is not meaningful on the outputs.

An ExpressionTool may forward file references from input to output by using the same value for location.


constant value File

Must be File to indicate this object describes a file.


An IRI that identifies the file resource. This may be a relative reference, in which case it must be resolved using the base IRI of the document. The location may refer to a local or remote resource; the implementation must use the IRI to retrieve file content. If an implementation is unable to retrieve the file content stored at a remote resource (due to unsupported protocol, access denied, or other issue) it must signal an error.

If the location field is not provided, the contents field must be provided. The implementation must assign a unique identifier for the location field.

If the path field is provided but the location field is not, an implementation may assign the value of the path field to location, then follow the rules above.


The local host path where the File is available when a CommandLineTool is executed. This field must be set by the implementation. The final path component must match the value of basename. This field must not be used in any other context. The command line tool being executed must be able to access the file at path using the POSIX open(2) syscall.

As a special case, if the path field is provided but the location field is not, an implementation may assign the value of the path field to location, and remove the path field.

If the path contains POSIX shell metacharacters (|,&, ;, <, >, (,), $,`, \, ", ', <space>, <tab>, and <newline>) or characters not allowed for Internationalized Domain Names for Applications then implementations may terminate the process with a permanentFailure.


The base name of the file, that is, the name of the file without any leading directory path. The base name must not contain a slash /.

If not provided, the implementation must set this field based on the location field by taking the final path component after parsing location as an IRI. If basename is provided, it is not required to match the value from location.

When this file is made available to a CommandLineTool, it must be named with basename, i.e. the final component of the path field must match basename.


The name of the directory containing file, that is, the path leading up to the final slash in the path such that dirname + '/' + basename == path.

The implementation must set this field based on the value of path prior to evaluating parameter references or expressions in a CommandLineTool document. This field must not be used in any other context.


The basename root such that nameroot + nameext == basename, and nameext is empty or begins with a period and contains at most one period. For the purposes of path splitting leading periods on the basename are ignored; a basename of .cshrc will have a nameroot of .cshrc.

The implementation must set this field automatically based on the value of basename prior to evaluating parameter references or expressions.


The basename extension such that nameroot + nameext == basename, and nameext is empty or begins with a period and contains at most one period. Leading periods on the basename are ignored; a basename of .cshrc will have an empty nameext.

The implementation must set this field automatically based on the value of basename prior to evaluating parameter references or expressions.


Optional hash code for validating file integrity. Currently, must be in the form "sha1$ + hexadecimal string" using the SHA-1 algorithm.


Optional file size (in bytes)

array<File | Directory>

A list of additional files or directories that are associated with the primary file and must be transferred alongside the primary file. Examples include indexes of the primary file, or external references which must be included when loading primary document. A file object listed in secondaryFiles may itself include secondaryFiles for which the same rules apply.


The format of the file: this must be an IRI of a concept node that represents the file format, preferably defined within an ontology. If no ontology is available, file formats may be tested by exact match.

Reasoning about format compatibility must be done by checking that an input file format is the same, owl:equivalentClass or rdfs:subClassOf the format required by the input parameter. owl:equivalentClass is transitive with rdfs:subClassOf, e.g. if <B> owl:equivalentClass <C> and <B> owl:subclassOf <A> then infer <C> owl:subclassOf <A>.

File format ontologies may be provided in the "$schemas" metadata at the root of the document. If no ontologies are specified in $schemas, the runtime may perform exact file format matches.


File contents literal.

If neither location nor path is provided, contents must be non-null. The implementation must assign a unique identifier for the location field. When the file is staged as input to CommandLineTool, the value of contents must be written to a file.

If contents is set as a result of a Javascript expression, an entry in InitialWorkDirRequirement, or read in from cwl.output.json, there is no specified upper limit on the size of contents. Implementations may have practical limits on the size of contents based on memory and storage available to the workflow runner or other factors.

If the loadContents field of an InputParameter or OutputParameter is true, and the input or output File object location is valid, the file must be a UTF-8 text file 64 KiB or smaller, and the implementation must read the entire contents of the file and place it in the contents field. If the size of the file is greater than 64 KiB, the implementation must raise a fatal error. Directory §

Represents a directory to present to a command line tool.

Directories are represented as objects with class of Directory. Directory objects have a number of properties that provide metadata about the directory.

The location property of a Directory is a IRI that uniquely identifies the directory. Implementations must support the file:// IRI scheme and may support other schemes such as http://. Alternately to location, implementations must also accept the path property on Directory, which must be a filesystem path available on the same host as the CWL runner (for inputs) or the runtime environment of a command line tool execution (for command line tool outputs).

A Directory object may have a listing field. This is a list of File and Directory objects that are contained in the Directory. For each entry in listing, the basename property defines the name of the File or Subdirectory when staged to disk. If listing is not provided, the implementation must have some way of fetching the Directory listing at runtime based on the location field.

If a Directory does not have location, it is a Directory literal. A Directory literal must provide listing. Directory literals must be created on disk at runtime as needed.

The resources in a Directory literal do not need to have any implied relationship in their location. For example, a Directory listing may contain two files located on different hosts. It is the responsibility of the runtime to ensure that those files are staged to disk appropriately. Secondary files associated with files in listing must also be staged to the same Directory.

When executing a CommandLineTool, Directories must be recursively staged first and have local values of path assigned.

Directory objects in CommandLineTool output must provide either a location IRI or a path property in the context of the tool execution runtime (local to the compute node, or within the executing container).

An ExpressionTool may forward file references from input to output by using the same value for location.

Name conflicts (the same basename appearing multiple times in listing or in any entry in secondaryFiles in the listing) is a fatal error.


constant value Directory

Must be Directory to indicate this object describes a Directory.


An IRI that identifies the directory resource. This may be a relative reference, in which case it must be resolved using the base IRI of the document. The location may refer to a local or remote resource. If the listing field is not set, the implementation must use the location IRI to retrieve directory listing. If an implementation is unable to retrieve the directory listing stored at a remote resource (due to unsupported protocol, access denied, or other issue) it must signal an error.

If the location field is not provided, the listing field must be provided. The implementation must assign a unique identifier for the location field.

If the path field is provided but the location field is not, an implementation may assign the value of the path field to location, then follow the rules above.


The local path where the Directory is made available prior to executing a CommandLineTool. This must be set by the implementation. This field must not be used in any other context. The command line tool being executed must be able to access the directory at path using the POSIX opendir(2) syscall.

If the path contains POSIX shell metacharacters (|,&, ;, <, >, (,), $,`, \, ", ', <space>, <tab>, and <newline>) or characters not allowed for Internationalized Domain Names for Applications then implementations may terminate the process with a permanentFailure.


The base name of the directory, that is, the name of the file without any leading directory path. The base name must not contain a slash /.

If not provided, the implementation must set this field based on the location field by taking the final path component after parsing location as an IRI. If basename is provided, it is not required to match the value from location.

When this file is made available to a CommandLineTool, it must be named with basename, i.e. the final component of the path field must match basename.

array<File | Directory>

List of files or subdirectories contained in this directory. The name of each file or subdirectory is determined by the basename field of each File or Directory object. It is an error if a File shares a basename with any other entry in listing. If two or more Directory object share the same basename, this must be treated as equivalent to a single subdirectory with the listings recursively merged.

4.1.5 Any §

The Any type validates for any non-null value.



4.1.6 CWLType §

Extends primitive types with the concept of a file and directory as a builtin type.


null no value
boolean a binary value
int 32-bit signed integer
long 64-bit signed integer
float single precision (32-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number
double double precision (64-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number
string Unicode character sequence
null no value
boolean a binary value
int 32-bit signed integer
long 64-bit signed integer
float single precision (32-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number
double double precision (64-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number
string Unicode character sequence
File A File object
Directory A Directory object

4.1.7 InputRecordSchema §


constant value record

Must be record

array<InputRecordField> |
map<nametype | InputRecordField>

Defines the fields of the record.


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The identifier for this type

4.1.8 InputRecordField §



The name of the field

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


A short, human-readable label of this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file. Secondary files may be required or optional. When not explicitly specified, secondary files specified for inputs are required and outputs are optional. An implementation must include matching Files and Directories in the secondaryFiles property of the primary file. These Files and Directories must be transferred and staged alongside the primary file. An implementation may fail workflow execution if a required secondary file does not exist.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. The expression must return a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object with either path or location and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects. It is legal to reference an unchanged File or Directory object taken from input as a secondaryFile. The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondaryFile from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

A value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a named pipe. Default: false.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

This must be one or more IRIs of concept nodes that represents file formats which are allowed as input to this parameter, preferably defined within an ontology. If no ontology is available, file formats may be tested by exact match.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

If true, the file (or each file in the array) must be a UTF-8 text file 64 KiB or smaller, and the implementation must read the entire contents of the file (or file array) and place it in the contents field of the File object for use by expressions. If the size of the file is greater than 64 KiB, the implementation must raise a fatal error.


Only valid when type: Directory or is an array of items: Directory.

Specify the desired behavior for loading the listing field of a Directory object for use by expressions.

The order of precedence for loadListing is:

  1. loadListing on an individual parameter
  2. Inherited from LoadListingRequirement
  3. By default: no_listing InputEnumSchema §



Defines the set of valid symbols.

constant value enum

Must be enum


The identifier for this type


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated. InputArraySchema §



Defines the type of the array elements.

constant value array

Must be array


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The identifier for this type

4.1.9 InputBinding §



Use of loadContents in InputBinding is deprecated. Preserved for v1.0 backwards compatibility. Will be removed in CWL v2.0. Use InputParameter.loadContents instead.

4.2 WorkflowOutputParameter §

Describe an output parameter of a workflow. The parameter must be connected to one or more parameters defined in the workflow that will provide the value of the output parameter. It is legal to connect a WorkflowInputParameter to a WorkflowOutputParameter.

See WorkflowStepInput for discussion of linkMerge and pickValue.



Specify valid types of data that may be assigned to this parameter.


A short, human-readable label of this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file. Secondary files may be required or optional. When not explicitly specified, secondary files specified for inputs are required and outputs are optional. An implementation must include matching Files and Directories in the secondaryFiles property of the primary file. These Files and Directories must be transferred and staged alongside the primary file. An implementation may fail workflow execution if a required secondary file does not exist.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. The expression must return a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object with either path or location and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects. It is legal to reference an unchanged File or Directory object taken from input as a secondaryFile. The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondaryFile from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

A value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a named pipe. Default: false.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The unique identifier for this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

This is the file format that will be assigned to the output File object.

string | array<string>

Specifies one or more names of an output from a workflow step (in the form step_name/output_name with a / separator`), or a workflow input name, that supply their value(s) to the output parameter. the output parameter. It is valid to reference workflow level inputs here.


The method to use to merge multiple sources into a single array. If not specified, the default method is "merge_nested".


The method to use to choose non-null elements among multiple sources.

4.2.1 LinkMergeMethod §

The input link merge method, described in WorkflowStepInput.



4.2.2 PickValueMethod §

Picking non-null values among inbound data links, described in WorkflowStepInput.



4.2.3 OutputRecordSchema §


constant value record

Must be record

array<OutputRecordField> |
map<nametype | OutputRecordField>

Defines the fields of the record.


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The identifier for this type

4.2.4 OutputRecordField §



The name of the field

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


A short, human-readable label of this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file. Secondary files may be required or optional. When not explicitly specified, secondary files specified for inputs are required and outputs are optional. An implementation must include matching Files and Directories in the secondaryFiles property of the primary file. These Files and Directories must be transferred and staged alongside the primary file. An implementation may fail workflow execution if a required secondary file does not exist.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. The expression must return a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object with either path or location and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects. It is legal to reference an unchanged File or Directory object taken from input as a secondaryFile. The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondaryFile from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

A value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a named pipe. Default: false.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

This is the file format that will be assigned to the output File object. OutputEnumSchema §



Defines the set of valid symbols.

constant value enum

Must be enum


The identifier for this type


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated. OutputArraySchema §



Defines the type of the array elements.

constant value array

Must be array


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The identifier for this type

4.3 WorkflowStep §

A workflow step is an executable element of a workflow. It specifies the underlying process implementation (such as CommandLineTool or another Workflow) in the run field and connects the input and output parameters of the underlying process to workflow parameters.

Scatter/gather §

To use scatter/gather, ScatterFeatureRequirement must be specified in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

A "scatter" operation specifies that the associated workflow step or subworkflow should execute separately over a list of input elements. Each job making up a scatter operation is independent and may be executed concurrently.

The scatter field specifies one or more input parameters which will be scattered. An input parameter may be listed more than once. The declared type of each input parameter implicitly becomes an array of items of the input parameter type. If a parameter is listed more than once, it becomes a nested array. As a result, upstream parameters which are connected to scattered parameters must be arrays.

All output parameter types are also implicitly wrapped in arrays. Each job in the scatter results in an entry in the output array.

If any scattered parameter runtime value is an empty array, all outputs are set to empty arrays and no work is done for the step, according to applicable scattering rules.

If scatter declares more than one input parameter, scatterMethod describes how to decompose the input into a discrete set of jobs.

  • dotproduct specifies that each of the input arrays are aligned and one element taken from each array to construct each job. It is an error if all input arrays are not the same length.

  • nested_crossproduct specifies the Cartesian product of the inputs, producing a job for every combination of the scattered inputs. The output must be nested arrays for each level of scattering, in the order that the input arrays are listed in the scatter field.

  • flat_crossproduct specifies the Cartesian product of the inputs, producing a job for every combination of the scattered inputs. The output arrays must be flattened to a single level, but otherwise listed in the order that the input arrays are listed in the scatter field.

Conditional execution (Optional) §

Conditional execution makes execution of a step conditional on an expression. A step that is not executed is "skipped". A skipped step produces null for all output parameters.

The condition is evaluated after scatter, using the input object of each individual scatter job. This means over a set of scatter jobs, some may be executed and some may be skipped. When the results are gathered, skipped steps must be null in the output arrays.

The when field controls conditional execution. This is an expression that must be evaluated with inputs bound to the step input object (or individual scatter job), and returns a boolean value. It is an error if this expression returns a value other than true or false.

Conditionals in CWL are an optional feature and are not required to be implemented by all consumers of CWL documents. An implementation that does not support conditionals must return a fatal error when attempting to execute a workflow that uses conditional constructs the implementation does not support.

Subworkflows §

To specify a nested workflow as part of a workflow step, SubworkflowFeatureRequirement must be specified in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

It is a fatal error if a workflow directly or indirectly invokes itself as a subworkflow (recursive workflows are not allowed).


array<WorkflowStepInput> |
map<idsource | WorkflowStepInput>

Defines the input parameters of the workflow step. The process is ready to run when all required input parameters are associated with concrete values. Input parameters include a schema for each parameter which is used to validate the input object. It may also be used build a user interface for constructing the input object.


Defines the parameters representing the output of the process. May be used to generate and/or validate the output object.


Specifies the process to run. If run is a string, it must be an absolute IRI or a relative path from the primary document.


The unique identifier for this object.


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


Declares requirements that apply to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine that must be met in order to execute this workflow step. If an implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process, unless overridden at user option.

array<Any> | map<classAny>

Declares hints applying to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine that may be helpful in executing this workflow step. It is not an error if an implementation cannot satisfy all hints, however the implementation may report a warning.


If defined, only run the step when the expression evaluates to true. If false the step is skipped. A skipped step produces a null on each output.

string | array<string>

Required if scatter is an array of more than one element.

4.3.1 WorkflowStepInput §

The input of a workflow step connects an upstream parameter (from the workflow inputs, or the outputs of other workflows steps) with the input parameters of the process specified by the run field. Only input parameters declared by the target process will be passed through at runtime to the process though additional parameters may be specified (for use within valueFrom expressions for instance) - unconnected or unused parameters do not represent an error condition.

Input object §

A WorkflowStepInput object must contain an id field in the form #fieldname or #prefix/fieldname. When the id field contains a slash / the field name consists of the characters following the final slash (the prefix portion may contain one or more slashes to indicate scope). This defines a field of the workflow step input object with the value of the source parameter(s).

To merge multiple inbound data links, MultipleInputFeatureRequirement must be specified in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

If the sink parameter is an array, or named in a workflow scatter operation, there may be multiple inbound data links listed in the source field. The values from the input links are merged depending on the method specified in the linkMerge field. If both linkMerge and pickValue are null or not specified, and there is more than one element in the source array, the default method is "merge_nested".

If both linkMerge and pickValue are null or not specified, and there is only a single element in the source, then the input parameter takes the scalar value from the single input link (it is not wrapped in a single-list).

  • merge_nested

    The input must be an array consisting of exactly one entry for each input link. If "merge_nested" is specified with a single link, the value from the link must be wrapped in a single-item list.

  • merge_flattened

    1. The source and sink parameters must be compatible types, or the source type must be compatible with single element from the "items" type of the destination array parameter.
    2. Source parameters which are arrays are concatenated. Source parameters which are single element types are appended as single elements.

If present, pickValue specifies how to pick non-null values among inbound data links.

pickValue is evaluated

  1. Once all source values from upstream step or parameters are available.
  2. After linkMerge.
  3. Before scatter or valueFrom.

This is specifically intended to be useful in combination with conditional execution, where several upstream steps may be connected to a single input (source is a list), and skipped steps produce null values.

Static type checkers should check for type consistency after inferring what the type will be after pickValue is applied, just as they do currently for linkMerge.

  • first_non_null

    For the first level of a list input, pick the first non-null element. The result is a scalar. It is an error if there is no non-null element. Examples:

    • [null, x, null, y] -> x
    • [null, [null], null, y] -> [null]
    • [null, null, null] -> Runtime Error

    Intended use case: If-else pattern where the value comes either from a conditional step or from a default or fallback value. The conditional step(s) should be placed first in the list.

  • the_only_non_null

    For the first level of a list input, pick the single non-null element. The result is a scalar. It is an error if there is more than one non-null element. Examples:

    • [null, x, null] -> x
    • [null, x, null, y] -> Runtime Error
    • [null, [null], null] -> [null]
    • [null, null, null] -> Runtime Error

    Intended use case: Switch type patterns where developer considers more than one active code path as a workflow error (possibly indicating an error in writing when condition expressions).

  • all_non_null

    For the first level of a list input, pick all non-null values. The result is a list, which may be empty. Examples:

    • [null, x, null] -> [x]
    • [x, null, y] -> [x, y]
    • [null, [x], [null]] -> [[x], [null]]
    • [null, null, null] -> []

    Intended use case: It is valid to have more than one source, but sources are conditional, so null sources (from skipped steps) should be filtered out.



The unique identifier for this object.

string | array<string>

Specifies one or more workflow parameters that will provide input to the underlying step parameter.


The method to use to merge multiple inbound links into a single array. If not specified, the default method is "merge_nested".


The method to use to choose non-null elements among multiple sources.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

If true, the file (or each file in the array) must be a UTF-8 text file 64 KiB or smaller, and the implementation must read the entire contents of the file (or file array) and place it in the contents field of the File object for use by expressions. If the size of the file is greater than 64 KiB, the implementation must raise a fatal error.


Only valid when type: Directory or is an array of items: Directory.

Specify the desired behavior for loading the listing field of a Directory object for use by expressions.

The order of precedence for loadListing is:

  1. loadListing on an individual parameter
  2. Inherited from LoadListingRequirement
  3. By default: no_listing

A short, human-readable label of this object.


The default value for this parameter to use if either there is no source field, or the value produced by the source is null. The default must be applied prior to scattering or evaluating valueFrom.


To use valueFrom, StepInputExpressionRequirement must be specified in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

If valueFrom is a constant string value, use this as the value for this input parameter.

If valueFrom is a parameter reference or expression, it must be evaluated to yield the actual value to be assigned to the input field.

The self value in the parameter reference or expression must be parameter is specified in this workflow step's scatter field.

  1. null if there is no source field
  2. the value of the parameter(s) specified in the source field when this workflow input parameter is not specified in this workflow step's scatter field.
  3. an element of the parameter specified in the source field when this workflow input

The value of inputs in the parameter reference or expression must be the input object to the workflow step after assigning the source values, applying default, and then scattering. The order of evaluating valueFrom among step input parameters is undefined and the result of evaluating valueFrom on a parameter must not be visible to evaluation of valueFrom on other parameters.

4.3.2 WorkflowStepOutput §

Associate an output parameter of the underlying process with a workflow parameter. The workflow parameter (given in the id field) be may be used as a source to connect with input parameters of other workflow steps, or with an output parameter of the process.

A unique identifier for this workflow output parameter. This is the identifier to use in the source field of WorkflowStepInput to connect the output value to downstream parameters.



The unique identifier for this object.

4.3.3 ScatterMethod §

The scatter method, as described in workflow step scatter.



4.3.4 InlineJavascriptRequirement §

Indicates that the workflow platform must support inline Javascript expressions. If this requirement is not present, the workflow platform must not perform expression interpolation.


constant value InlineJavascriptRequirement

Always 'InlineJavascriptRequirement'


Additional code fragments that will also be inserted before executing the expression code. Allows for function definitions that may be called from CWL expressions.

4.3.5 SchemaDefRequirement §

This field consists of an array of type definitions which must be used when interpreting the inputs and outputs fields. When a type field contains a IRI, the implementation must check if the type is defined in schemaDefs and use that definition. If the type is not found in schemaDefs, it is an error. The entries in schemaDefs must be processed in the order listed such that later schema definitions may refer to earlier schema definitions.

  • Type definitions are allowed for enum and record types only.
  • Type definitions may be shared by defining them in a file and then $include-ing them in the types field.
  • A file can contain a list of type definitions


constant value SchemaDefRequirement

Always 'SchemaDefRequirement'


The list of type definitions. CommandInputRecordSchema §


constant value record

Must be record


Defines the fields of the record.


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The identifier for this type


Describes how to turn this object into command line arguments. CommandInputRecordField §



The name of the field

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


A short, human-readable label of this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file. Secondary files may be required or optional. When not explicitly specified, secondary files specified for inputs are required and outputs are optional. An implementation must include matching Files and Directories in the secondaryFiles property of the primary file. These Files and Directories must be transferred and staged alongside the primary file. An implementation may fail workflow execution if a required secondary file does not exist.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. The expression must return a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object with either path or location and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects. It is legal to reference an unchanged File or Directory object taken from input as a secondaryFile. The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondaryFile from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

A value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a named pipe. Default: false.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

This must be one or more IRIs of concept nodes that represents file formats which are allowed as input to this parameter, preferably defined within an ontology. If no ontology is available, file formats may be tested by exact match.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

If true, the file (or each file in the array) must be a UTF-8 text file 64 KiB or smaller, and the implementation must read the entire contents of the file (or file array) and place it in the contents field of the File object for use by expressions. If the size of the file is greater than 64 KiB, the implementation must raise a fatal error.


Only valid when type: Directory or is an array of items: Directory.

Specify the desired behavior for loading the listing field of a Directory object for use by expressions.

The order of precedence for loadListing is:

  1. loadListing on an individual parameter
  2. Inherited from LoadListingRequirement
  3. By default: no_listing

Describes how to turn this object into command line arguments. CommandInputEnumSchema §



Defines the set of valid symbols.

constant value enum

Must be enum


The identifier for this type


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


Describes how to turn this object into command line arguments. CommandLineBinding §

When listed under inputBinding in the input schema, the term "value" refers to the corresponding value in the input object. For binding objects listed in CommandLineTool.arguments, the term "value" refers to the effective value after evaluating valueFrom.

The binding behavior when building the command line depends on the data type of the value. If there is a mismatch between the type described by the input schema and the effective value, such as resulting from an expression evaluation, an implementation must use the data type of the effective value.

  • string: Add prefix and the string to the command line.

  • number: Add prefix and decimal representation to command line.

  • boolean: If true, add prefix to the command line. If false, add nothing.

  • File: Add prefix and the value of File.path to the command line.

  • Directory: Add prefix and the value of Directory.path to the command line.

  • array: If itemSeparator is specified, add prefix and the join the array into a single string with itemSeparator separating the items. Otherwise, first add prefix, then recursively process individual elements. If the array is empty, it does not add anything to command line.

  • object: Add prefix only, and recursively add object fields for which inputBinding is specified.

  • null: Add nothing.



Use of loadContents in InputBinding is deprecated. Preserved for v1.0 backwards compatibility. Will be removed in CWL v2.0. Use InputParameter.loadContents instead.


The sorting key. Default position is 0. If a CWL Parameter Reference or CWL Expression) is used and if the inputBinding is associated with an input parameter, then the value of self will be the value of the input parameter. Input parameter defaults (as specified by the InputParameter.default field) must be applied before evaluating the expression. Expressions must return a single value of type int or a null.


Command line prefix to add before the value.


If true (default), then the prefix and value must be added as separate command line arguments; if false, prefix and value must be concatenated into a single command line argument.


Join the array elements into a single string with the elements separated by itemSeparator.


If valueFrom is a constant string value, use this as the value and apply the binding rules above.

If valueFrom is an expression, evaluate the expression to yield the actual value to use to build the command line and apply the binding rules above. If the inputBinding is associated with an input parameter, the value of self in the expression will be the value of the input parameter. Input parameter defaults (as specified by the InputParameter.default field) must be applied before evaluating the expression.

If the value of the associated input parameter is null, valueFrom is not evaluated and nothing is added to the command line.

When a binding is part of the CommandLineTool.arguments field, the valueFrom field is required.


If ShellCommandRequirement is in the requirements for the current command, this controls whether the value is quoted on the command line (default is true). Use shellQuote: false to inject metacharacters for operations such as pipes.

If shellQuote is true or not provided, the implementation must not permit interpretation of any shell metacharacters or directives. CommandInputArraySchema §


constant value array

Must be array


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The identifier for this type


Describes how to turn this object into command line arguments.

4.3.6 LoadListingRequirement §

Specify the desired behavior for loading the listing field of a Directory object for use by expressions.


constant value LoadListingRequirement

Always 'LoadListingRequirement'


4.3.7 SoftwareRequirement §

A list of software packages that should be configured in the environment of the defined process.


constant value SoftwareRequirement

Always 'SoftwareRequirement'

array<SoftwarePackage> |
map<packagespecs | SoftwarePackage>

The list of software to be configured.

4.3.8 SoftwarePackage §



The name of the software to be made available. If the name is common, inconsistent, or otherwise ambiguous it should be combined with one or more identifiers in the specs field.


The (optional) versions of the software that are known to be compatible.


One or more IRIs identifying resources for installing or enabling the software named in the package field. Implementations may provide resolvers which map these software identifier IRIs to some configuration action; or they can use only the name from the package field on a best effort basis.

For example, the IRI could be resolved with apt-get install bowtie. The IRI could be resolved with conda install -c bioconda bowtie.

IRIs can also be system independent and used to map to a specific software installation or selection mechanism. Using RRID as an example: could be fulfilled using the above-mentioned Debian or bioconda package, a local installation managed by Environment Modules, or any other mechanism the platform chooses. IRIs can also be from identifier sources that are discipline specific yet still system independent. As an example, the equivalent ELIXIR Tools and Data Service Registry IRI to the previous RRID example is If supported by a given registry, implementations are encouraged to query these system independent software identifier IRIs directly for links to packaging systems.

A site specific IRI can be listed as well. For example, an academic computing cluster using Environment Modules could list the IRI to indicate that module load bowtie-tbb/1.1.2 should be executed to make available bowtie version 1.1.2 compiled with the TBB library prior to running the accompanying Workflow or CommandLineTool. Note that the example IRI is specific to a particular institution and computing environment as the Environment Modules system does not have a common namespace or standardized naming convention.

This last example is the least portable and should only be used if mechanisms based off of the package field or more generic IRIs are unavailable or unsuitable. While harmless to other sites, site specific software IRIs should be left out of shared CWL descriptions to avoid clutter.

4.3.9 InitialWorkDirRequirement §

Define a list of files and subdirectories that must be staged by the workflow platform prior to executing the command line tool. Normally files are staged within the designated output directory. However, when running inside containers, files may be staged at arbitrary locations, see discussion for Dirent.entryname. Together with DockerRequirement.dockerOutputDirectory it is possible to control the locations of both input and output files when running in containers.


constant value InitialWorkDirRequirement



The list of files or subdirectories that must be staged prior to executing the command line tool.

Return type of each expression must validate as ["null", File, Directory, Dirent, {type: array, items: [File, Directory]}].

Each File or Directory that is returned by an Expression must be added to the designated output directory prior to executing the tool.

Each Dirent record that is listed or returned by an expression specifies a file to be created or staged in the designated output directory prior to executing the tool.

Expressions may return null, in which case they have no effect.

Files or Directories which are listed in the input parameters and appear in the InitialWorkDirRequirement listing must have their path set to their staged location. If the same File or Directory appears more than once in the InitialWorkDirRequirement listing, the implementation must choose exactly one value for path; how this value is chosen is undefined. Dirent §

Define a file or subdirectory that must be staged to a particular place prior to executing the command line tool. May be the result of executing an expression, such as building a configuration file from a template.

Usually files are staged within the designated output directory. However, under certain circumstances, files may be staged at arbitrary locations, see discussion for entryname.



If the value is a string literal or an expression which evaluates to a string, a new text file must be created with the string as the file contents.

If the value is an expression that evaluates to a File or Directory object, or an array of File or Directory objects, this indicates the referenced file or directory should be added to the designated output directory prior to executing the tool.

If the value is an expression that evaluates to null, nothing is added to the designated output directory, the entry has no effect.

If the value is an expression that evaluates to some other array, number, or object not consisting of File or Directory objects, a new file must be created with the value serialized to JSON text as the file contents. The JSON serialization behavior should match the behavior of string interpolation of Parameter references.


The "target" name of the file or subdirectory. If entry is a File or Directory, the entryname field overrides the value of basename of the File or Directory object.

  • Required when entry evaluates to file contents only
  • Optional when entry evaluates to a File or Directory object with a basename
  • Invalid when entry evaluates to an array of File or Directory objects.

If entryname is a relative path, it specifies a name within the designated output directory. A relative path starting with ../ or that resolves to location above the designated output directory is an error.

If entryname is an absolute path (starts with a slash /) it is an error unless the following conditions are met:

  • DockerRequirement is present in requirements
  • The program is will run inside a software container where, from the perspective of the program, the root filesystem is not shared with any other user or running program.

In this case, and the above conditions are met, then entryname may specify the absolute path within the container where the file or directory must be placed.


If true, the File or Directory (or array of Files or Directories) declared in entry must be writable by the tool.

Changes to the file or directory must be isolated and not visible by any other CommandLineTool process. This may be implemented by making a copy of the original file or directory.

Disruptive changes to the referenced file or directory must not be allowed unless InplaceUpdateRequirement.inplaceUpdate is true.

Default false (files and directories read-only by default).

A directory marked as writable: true implies that all files and subdirectories are recursively writable as well.

If writable is false, the file may be made available using a bind mount or file system link to avoid unnecessary copying of the input file. Command line tools may receive an error on attempting to rename or delete files or directories that are not explicitly marked as writable.

4.3.10 WorkReuse §

For implementations that support reusing output from past work (on the assumption that same code and same input produce same results), control whether to enable or disable the reuse behavior for a particular tool or step (to accommodate situations where that assumption is incorrect). A reused step is not executed but instead returns the same output as the original execution.

If WorkReuse is not specified, correct tools should assume it is enabled by default.


constant value WorkReuse

Always 'WorkReuse'


4.3.11 NetworkAccess §

Indicate whether a process requires outgoing IPv4/IPv6 network access. Choice of IPv4 or IPv6 is implementation and site specific, correct tools must support both.

If networkAccess is false or not specified, tools must not assume network access, except for localhost (the loopback device).

If networkAccess is true, the tool must be able to make outgoing connections to network resources. Resources may be on a private subnet or the public Internet. However, implementations and sites may apply their own security policies to restrict what is accessible by the tool.

Enabling network access does not imply a publicly routable IP address or the ability to accept inbound connections.


constant value NetworkAccess

Always 'NetworkAccess'


4.3.12 InplaceUpdateRequirement §

If inplaceUpdate is true, then an implementation supporting this feature may permit tools to directly update files with writable: true in InitialWorkDirRequirement. That is, as an optimization, files may be destructively modified in place as opposed to copied and updated.

An implementation must ensure that only one workflow step may access a writable file at a time. It is an error if a file which is writable by one workflow step file is accessed (for reading or writing) by any other workflow step running independently. However, a file which has been updated in a previous completed step may be used as input to multiple steps, provided it is read-only in every step.

Workflow steps which modify a file must produce the modified file as output. Downstream steps which further process the file must use the output of previous steps, and not refer to a common input (this is necessary for both ordering and correctness).

Workflow authors should provide this in the hints section. The intent of this feature is that workflows produce the same results whether or not InplaceUpdateRequirement is supported by the implementation, and this feature is primarily available as an optimization for particular environments.

Users and implementers should be aware that workflows that destructively modify inputs may not be repeatable or reproducible. In particular, enabling this feature implies that WorkReuse should not be enabled.


constant value InplaceUpdateRequirement

Always 'InplaceUpdateRequirement'


4.3.13 ToolTimeLimit §

Set an upper limit on the execution time of a CommandLineTool. A CommandLineTool whose execution duration exceeds the time limit may be preemptively terminated and considered failed. May also be used by batch systems to make scheduling decisions. The execution duration excludes external operations, such as staging of files, pulling a docker image etc, and only counts wall-time for the execution of the command line itself.


constant value ToolTimeLimit

Always 'ToolTimeLimit'


The time limit, in seconds. A time limit of zero means no time limit. Negative time limits are an error.

4.3.14 SubworkflowFeatureRequirement §

Indicates that the workflow platform must support nested workflows in the run field of WorkflowStep.


constant value SubworkflowFeatureRequirement

Always 'SubworkflowFeatureRequirement'

4.3.15 ScatterFeatureRequirement §

Indicates that the workflow platform must support the scatter and scatterMethod fields of WorkflowStep.


constant value ScatterFeatureRequirement

Always 'ScatterFeatureRequirement'

4.3.16 MultipleInputFeatureRequirement §

Indicates that the workflow platform must support multiple inbound data links listed in the source field of WorkflowStepInput.


constant value MultipleInputFeatureRequirement

Always 'MultipleInputFeatureRequirement'

4.3.17 StepInputExpressionRequirement §

Indicate that the workflow platform must support the valueFrom field of WorkflowStepInput.


constant value StepInputExpressionRequirement

Always 'StepInputExpressionRequirement'

4.3.18 ExpressionTool §

An ExpressionTool is a type of Process object that can be run by itself or as a Workflow step. It executes a pure Javascript expression that has access to the same input parameters as a workflow. It is meant to be used sparingly as a way to isolate complex Javascript expressions that need to operate on input data and produce some result; perhaps just a rearrangement of the inputs. No Docker software container is required or allowed.



Defines the input parameters of the process. The process is ready to run when all required input parameters are associated with concrete values. Input parameters include a schema for each parameter which is used to validate the input object. It may also be used to build a user interface for constructing the input object.

When accepting an input object, all input parameters must have a value. If an input parameter is missing from the input object, it must be assigned a value of null (or the value of default for that parameter, if provided) for the purposes of validation and evaluation of expressions.


Defines the parameters representing the output of the process. May be used to generate and/or validate the output object.

constant value ExpressionTool

The expression to execute. The expression must return a plain Javascript object which matches the output parameters of the ExpressionTool.


The unique identifier for this object.

Only useful for $graph at Process level. Should not be exposed to users in graphical or terminal user interfaces.


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


Declares requirements that apply to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine that must be met in order to execute this process. If an implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process, unless overridden at user option.


CWL document version. Always required at the document root. Not required for a Process embedded inside another Process.


An identifier for the type of computational operation, of this Process. Especially useful for Operation, but can also be used for CommandLineTool, Workflow, or ExpressionTool.

If provided, then this must be an IRI of a concept node that represents the type of operation, preferably defined within an ontology.

For example, in the domain of bioinformatics, one can use an IRI from the EDAM Ontology's Operation concept nodes, like Alignment, or Clustering; or a more specific Operation concept like Split read mapping. ExpressionToolOutputParameter §



Specify valid types of data that may be assigned to this parameter. Note that this field just acts as a hint, as the outputs of an ExpressionTool process are always considered valid.


A short, human-readable label of this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file. Secondary files may be required or optional. When not explicitly specified, secondary files specified for inputs are required and outputs are optional. An implementation must include matching Files and Directories in the secondaryFiles property of the primary file. These Files and Directories must be transferred and staged alongside the primary file. An implementation may fail workflow execution if a required secondary file does not exist.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. The expression must return a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object with either path or location and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects. It is legal to reference an unchanged File or Directory object taken from input as a secondaryFile. The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondaryFile from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

A value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a named pipe. Default: false.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The unique identifier for this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

This is the file format that will be assigned to the output File object. CWLVersion §

Version symbols for published CWL document versions.



4.3.19 Operation §

This record describes an abstract operation. It is a potential step of a workflow that has not yet been bound to a concrete implementation. It specifies an input and output signature, but does not provide enough information to be executed. An implementation (or other tooling) may provide a means of binding an Operation to a concrete process (such as Workflow, CommandLineTool, or ExpressionTool) with a compatible signature.



Defines the input parameters of the process. The process is ready to run when all required input parameters are associated with concrete values. Input parameters include a schema for each parameter which is used to validate the input object. It may also be used to build a user interface for constructing the input object.

When accepting an input object, all input parameters must have a value. If an input parameter is missing from the input object, it must be assigned a value of null (or the value of default for that parameter, if provided) for the purposes of validation and evaluation of expressions.


Defines the parameters representing the output of the process. May be used to generate and/or validate the output object.

constant value Operation

The unique identifier for this object.

Only useful for $graph at Process level. Should not be exposed to users in graphical or terminal user interfaces.


A short, human-readable label of this object.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


Declares requirements that apply to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine that must be met in order to execute this process. If an implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process, unless overridden at user option.


CWL document version. Always required at the document root. Not required for a Process embedded inside another Process.


An identifier for the type of computational operation, of this Process. Especially useful for Operation, but can also be used for CommandLineTool, Workflow, or ExpressionTool.

If provided, then this must be an IRI of a concept node that represents the type of operation, preferably defined within an ontology.

For example, in the domain of bioinformatics, one can use an IRI from the EDAM Ontology's Operation concept nodes, like Alignment, or Clustering; or a more specific Operation concept like Split read mapping. OperationInputParameter §

Describe an input parameter of an operation.



Specify valid types of data that may be assigned to this parameter.


A short, human-readable label of this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file. Secondary files may be required or optional. When not explicitly specified, secondary files specified for inputs are required and outputs are optional. An implementation must include matching Files and Directories in the secondaryFiles property of the primary file. These Files and Directories must be transferred and staged alongside the primary file. An implementation may fail workflow execution if a required secondary file does not exist.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. The expression must return a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object with either path or location and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects. It is legal to reference an unchanged File or Directory object taken from input as a secondaryFile. The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondaryFile from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

A value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a named pipe. Default: false.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The unique identifier for this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

This must be one or more IRIs of concept nodes that represents file formats which are allowed as input to this parameter, preferably defined within an ontology. If no ontology is available, file formats may be tested by exact match.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

If true, the file (or each file in the array) must be a UTF-8 text file 64 KiB or smaller, and the implementation must read the entire contents of the file (or file array) and place it in the contents field of the File object for use by expressions. If the size of the file is greater than 64 KiB, the implementation must raise a fatal error.


Only valid when type: Directory or is an array of items: Directory.

Specify the desired behavior for loading the listing field of a Directory object for use by expressions.

The order of precedence for loadListing is:

  1. loadListing on an individual parameter
  2. Inherited from LoadListingRequirement
  3. By default: no_listing

The default value to use for this parameter if the parameter is missing from the input object, or if the value of the parameter in the input object is null. Default values are applied before evaluating expressions (e.g. dependent valueFrom fields). OperationOutputParameter §

Describe an output parameter of an operation.



Specify valid types of data that may be assigned to this parameter.


A short, human-readable label of this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

Provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that should be included alongside the primary file. Secondary files may be required or optional. When not explicitly specified, secondary files specified for inputs are required and outputs are optional. An implementation must include matching Files and Directories in the secondaryFiles property of the primary file. These Files and Directories must be transferred and staged alongside the primary file. An implementation may fail workflow execution if a required secondary file does not exist.

If the value is an expression, the value of self in the expression must be the primary input or output File object to which this binding applies. The basename, nameroot and nameext fields must be present in self. For CommandLineTool outputs the path field must also be present. The expression must return a filename string relative to the path to the primary File, a File or Directory object with either path or location and basename fields set, or an array consisting of strings or File or Directory objects. It is legal to reference an unchanged File or Directory object taken from input as a secondaryFile. The expression may return "null" in which case there is no secondaryFile from that expression.

To work on non-filename-preserving storage systems, portable tool descriptions should avoid constructing new values from location, but should construct relative references using basename or nameroot instead.

If a value in secondaryFiles is a string that is not an expression, it specifies that the following pattern should be applied to the path of the primary file to yield a filename relative to the primary File:

  1. If string ends with ? character, remove the last ? and mark the resulting secondary file as optional.
  2. If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  3. Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.

Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

A value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking. An implementation may use this flag to indicate whether it is valid to stream file contents using a named pipe. Default: false.

string | array<string>

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.


The unique identifier for this object.


Only valid when type: File or is an array of items: File.

This is the file format that will be assigned to the output File object.